Thursday, 10 January 2013

How fast does hair grow? Pictures two years on!

Hi guys! I wanted to do a quick post on my hair today. I don't know about you but I know a lot of people (including myself) at one time or another has googled something like "How fast does hair grow?" or "How long will it take for my hair to grow long?" and I thought that I'd show you my experience.

It has been two years to the day since I took the plunge and chopped all my hair off into a really short style. Not quite pixie cut, but the shortest part of my hair wasn't even a centimetre in length. I thought it's as good a time as any that I showed you how fast my hair has grown - and how fast yours could grow, too.

So here I am before my hair appointment. I went to Toni and Guy for the restyle from this...

To this...!

And two years later...with three haircuts in between (all taking about one inch off) I've finally reached a point where I can say I have long hair again. This picture was taken today.

I can safely say that I'm never going to cut my hair off again. I really needed to do it and really wanted to at the time because I was getting sick of the same old straight style. However I like to wear my hair up a lot and the inconvenience of having to wash my hair daily to get it to look good in the short style was just too much for me to enjoy.

So as you can see from the picture of the haircut, my shortest lengths were at the sides, just above my ear. 
As I mentioned, the shortest length of my hair was not even a centimetre, and now it measures just over 30 centimetres. If we take into account the three hair cuts I got in the last two years, taking a couple of centimetres off per cut, the average length of hair growth per year is around 16 to18cm! Making it nearly 1.5cms of growth per month. How good is that?!

Here are some more pictures of my hair today, two years on.

Here you can see how long the sides of my hair have managed to grow in this amount of time.

I hope this was helpful to you if you're wondering how long it will take to grow out your short hairstyle. I'm really quite amazed at how little time it actually took to get from a short style to over shoulder length. I wish you all good luck if you're trying to grow your hair out, like me! I know how tedious it can be, especially at the beginning where you have to go through that awkward stage of nothing looking nice. Keep at it, you can get through it! Haha!

I'm wondering if this is the average speed of hair growth for everyone. Have you ever grown your hair out from short? Leave a comment down below telling me how long it took for yours to grow out!

Lots of love, 


  1. I had mine cut to about an inch long on the back and longer on the front last November, Frankie Sandford esque, now it's about the same length as yours, possibly a little shorter, I' not entirely sure because I have curly hair and haven't straightened it in about a year! :') Want it even longer!

    - Nin

    1. Wow, yours sounds like it has grown really fast! I know I can't wait for my hair to be that little bit longer!

    2. I'm a quarter asian, and I picked up the silly-quick hair growth genes :') I can't wait either! I used to have it to the back of my knees when I was a kid, not going to that extreme again. :P

  2. I cut mine to a similar length too, it honestly took about three/four years to get it back to shoulder length - my hair is ridiculous! It seems to go through growing stages..and then times where it's just being completely stubborn and staying put! Your hair looks in such lovely condition!

    1. Oh no! Your hair looks lovely now though! x

  3. I have mine cut into a style like Frankie Sandford's too and it took me about 3 years to grow back to boob length but that was with about 5 cuts a year taking an inch or 3 off each time. Apparently eating lots of protein in your diet makes it grow faster, I know it works for me :)

    Your hair looks lovely both ways.

    Janine xx

    1. Seems like Frankie Sandford was all the rage haha! Wow 5 cuts a year! I can never be bothered going that many times! Once every six months is good enough for me haha!


  4. why would you not cut your hair again? it looked nice short, but you do suit it better longer :)
    i noticed your eyebrows have fullened in the two years, too! they looked amazing then but they look even more amazing now. massive brow envy.

    i 'undercut' one side of my head and it's growing at the most awkward lengths and i wish i hadn't have done it now, i look like a lemon. but i'm thinking about cutting the rest of my hair into a 'long bob' when the undercut has grown out enough!

    1. I couldn't stand not being able to tie it up and having to wash it every day to make it not look shit. Laziness really. And the boyfriend hated it haha. I'm so glad I avoided the undercut style. I really wanted it but so glad I didnt now! Don't envy you having to grow it out with long hair already, at least my short cut all grew out at a similar length.

      My eyebrows simply are fuller because i cannoootttt be bothered plucking them! Such a chore, so they've filled out nicely again because of laziness!


      ps. wouldn't let me comment on your latest inspiration post, it said the comments are closed but omg I die at the burberry furry jacket. I saw it a while ago and want it so badly!

  5. My hair grows very quickly! Your hair is really nice :)

  6. You have a really lovely blog!)

    How about following each other?) I'd be very glad!

  7. This cool I really wanted to know how long it wud be in 2 years from now. My hair grows extremely quick. though I cant wait to let it grow bck passed my bck :) thnk u

  8. Though no tips has been expressed your hair growing this long in just 2 years show that your a healthy person for a hair can only grow that fast if a person is fit enough else you're suffering from a condition which I can say you're not. To help further nourish and care for your here are how to grow your hair faster tips and achieve that luscious locks for you to flaunt.
