Friday, 2 March 2012

My NO SHOPPING pledge!

Right. That's it... I need to do something drastic!

Many of you will have seen Danielle's (ablogfromblackpool) 100 Day No Shopping Challenge...If not, you can read about it HERE

She has pledged to herself and the readers of her blog that she will not be spending any unnecessary money for a whopping 100 days. She is a couple of weeks in at the moment and I've been inspired to take up a challenge myself. I'm not as brave as Danielle yet but here goes!!

I pledge to you that from tomorrow, Saturday 3rd March 2012, I will not spend any money on anything other than necessities* until the first milestone of the 3rd of April 2012. For one calendar month I will be avoiding the highstreet, ebay and online shops and I promise to myself that I will not buy anything at all. If I complete this challenge, I will then continue for another calendar month and for as long as possible after that. From this challenge I aim to use up products I already have, create new outfits out of current clothing in my wardrobe, save money and not be so unhealthy.

*necessities include things I need such as: 
food and drink whilst I'm at work (I will also try and take packed lunches to save money)
gifts - birthday, mother's day etc
toothpaste and sanitary products if I run out
But, same as Danielle, I cannot buy something I already have a duplicate of. For example if I run out of my current makeup cleanser, I will have to use up any other cleansers I have instead of buying a replacement.

Rules: No shopping what so ever except if I need anything from the above necessities list.

Danielle is noting down anything that catches her eye that she would have bought if it weren't for her challenge, so I will be doing the same and blogging about it here. 

Keep checking back and keeping me encouraged, guys! No one...not even me...believes that I can do this!

As for now, I will leave you with my last sneaky purchases before this challenge starts!

See you soon...if I'm not shrivelled up in a corner somewhere from shopping withdrawal...
Neeny x


  1. I'm going to do this soon! It's going to be so hard so good luck! :D xox

    1. Join with me! Haha! Thank you, I think I'll need it! xx

  2. So glad your in this with me I'm not going to lie, today I was walking through the houndshill looking very glum, a lot of things to go on my list x x x

    1. I think I have a problem. All I want to do is go out and go shopping haha! It hasn't even been 2 hours since I woke up, dammit!

  3. I need to do this! good luck x

  4. I'm doing this too.. But I wasn't as strict as you! I'm not buying anything brand new. So charity shops are still in !
    Hope it's going ok !


